If your furniture needs a facelift, you may want to consider reupholstering before the start of the new year. Reupholstering allows you to keep the furniture structure you love, but completely transform the piece from the inside out for a stylish new look! What better way to begin 2016 than with fresh, newly upholstered furniture in your home?
Not only does reupholstery repair your furniture, it also transforms the entire look of a room! Best of all, Gamino Decor offers a wide variety of beautiful designer fabrics to fit your taste and lifestyle.
While many upholsterers simply put the new fabric OVER your old fabric, Gamino Decor will actually strip your furniture of all fabric and inside foam and REPLACE everything with quality materials and the fabric of your choice. So instead of a “quick fix”, we assure a total inside-out transformation.
For a free estimate, visit gaminodecor.com/estimate
Freshen up your furniture today!