
Just for Fun!

Every now and again, we do some things just for the fun of it! This classic little antique lamp was in need of new wiring, new finish, swapping out parts and TLC – of which it received all of that and more.” Better than new” is exactly what it is now! It is one of…

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How many of you have a favorite recliner? Aren’t they great for reading, hand crafts like knitting and crocheting, and even the afternoon siesta. Of course they are also perfect for watching television and relaxing with family, friends and pets.  Often times the living room armchair will bring back memories of loved ones and can…

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With this post, I want to encourage you to try bold colors and rich textures and you will see a dramatic difference in the end result of your reupholstered piece. Let your furniture become a conversation piece like never before! My suggestions would be to use vibrant hue color combinations, custom leather trim, finishing with…

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Green Ottoman


I was recently speaking with a friend who told me “No one even knows what an ottoman is anymore! Could this be true? One of the most used items in contemporary homes today is the “ottoman”. That’s because they are used for more than a foot rest. I have made them with shallow storage  compartments…

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Weekends By Appointment Only

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