About Our Leather

Our partners purchase unfinished hides to fully control the finishing process, ensuring that we can provide uniformity of both quality and aesthetics. This leather production adheres to an entirely non-polluting policy, where tanneries use the strictest guidelines to ensure minimal waste, high quality, and a product that is environmentally sound.

Making leather is a complicated process. The easiest way to understand the process of leather preparation is to understand the layer separation in which the leather is split across its thickness to produce a top layer (hair side) and the under layer. The top layer is called the grain and is the side exposed to the elements giving it the durability and malleability it needs to be considered fine leather. The underside is much stiffer and less durable than the top layer. This is practical for use after a coating or treatment is applied. The process of tanning leather for GAMINO DÉCOR involves five distinct stages: Tanning, Selecting, Splitting/Shaving, Re-tanning, and Finishing.

Converting yards to square feet: There are 9 square feet in 1 square yard

Calculating Cost: Price per SQ FT  X  Average Size  =  Estimated Cost. The actual cost is based on the size of the hide.

Typical yield / how much waste should be expected: Leather will have a slightly higher amount of waste than fabric. We factor in 25%, however, the yield and waste will depend upon the application. If you are unsure of the quantity needed to complete a project, please give us a call to confirm the measurements: 818-559-6314
