Like many people, you may have what you call your signature style. Your “look” is displayed through your jewelry, clothes, shoes, etc. Having a signature style for your home is also something that is quite attainable! Regardless of the size of your space, you have the opportunity to express who you are, what you love, and how you live in many ways.
A signature style does not mean you are limited to only one color or pattern, it simply means a signature expression through décor that captures and portrays your style. Your signature style can be expressed with any of the following in your home:
- An unexpected mix of patterns
- A creative combination of colors and textures
- Unique furniture pieces
- A special collection of mirrors, ceramics, etc.
- Artwork that is meaningful to you
Whether your home is decorated with findings from a flea market, new furniture store, or hand-me downs, your own special mix will give you that authentic style.
A fabulous and easy way to redesign your home with your signature style is by creating a color palette that inspires you. Find a few shades that stick out and purchase items that flow within that palette. Everything can be mixed and matched accordingly.
Start by picking three colors that you love. You’ll need a neutral to ground everything consistently. Once you’ve established your primary colors, add in accent colors – pops of these colors work great on blankets, throw pillows, and other accent pieces.
As with anything, your signature style will and should change over time. You do not have to stick to one look, your taste may change slightly as the styles change. However, you can still achieve a signature look throughout your home that is trendy and also expresses who you are!